6th issue
Dear Readers,
In the present issue of our magazine we would like to surprise you again with some further novelties. Since our previous number, our subscribers also have the possibility to listen to the audio-version of particular articles on our website. From now on, an extra symbol will facilitate the process of finding the texts which are also available as a sound recording.
The same website will also inform you about our special offers. If you want to practice pronunciation and listening comprehension please turn to the Hungarian audiobooks claudio.de via our website www.magyarultanulok.com. The first twenty readers registering via our website win a gift voucher and will be able to download the chosen item for free.
Visit our website and try all our other services too!
In our new section “Wall Newspaper” we would like to call our readers’ attention to interesting events.
Wishing all our Readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Kovács Tünde