Dear Readers,
According to our database, more of our readers live in cities than in the country, On the other hand, our correspondence shows that some of them gave up city life and moved the Hungary, sometimes to remote villages or even to a tanya. Our job as editors is not to decide whether city life or country life is better. Instead, we are trying to expand your Hungarian vocabulary related to this topic by offering playful exercises and interesting texts to read.
Our interview with András Esküdt, Jr., a young licensed small-scale producer gives a glimpse into the daily life of a Hungarian farmer. But we did not stop at the borders of Hungary: we are inviting you to come with us as far as the foothills of the Ural Mountains, where Nikolai Petrov, a journalist from Central Russia talks to us about his beloved town, where this year’s winter is considered to be quite warm.
Our Országismeret section brings you the eco village of Nagypáli. The photos accompanying the richly illustrated article speak for themselves, but if you read the article you will find a lot of environmentally friendly and energy saving ideas that perhaps you will be able to utilise in your own community.
In this spirit we wish all our city and country dweller readers a Happy New Year!
Tünde Kovács
Chief editor