17th issue

Dear readers!

As we progressed with the magazine we felt that learners of Hungarian might find it useful to know more about the Hungarian public administration system. Thus, we decided last autumn to dedicate this latest issue to the topic. Little did we realize at the time that we were embarking upon a particularly tough venture, seeing as public administration in Hungary is undergoing significant structural changes. Our articles reflect the situation as of April 2012 which is by no means the final state of matters.

We rendered the topic from different perspectives: Országismeret deals with public administration structure, Portrétár with the activities of a village caretaker while Fókuszban and Gyerekjáték as always focus on playful exercises. And again we look beyond our borders: Portrétár provides you with a photo coverage of an EU interpreter's impressions plus an interview from Canada.

Wishing you all a sunny and recuperating holiday!

Tünde Kovács

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