Dear readers!
Lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important these days so we decided to pick out this all-determining issue of learning and education as the centrepiece for our current issue. Find out about the structure and characteristics of the Hungarian educational system along with a wealth of other interesting details. Please note that the Hungarian educational law is to be amended in 2012 and the version we refer to in our magazine is that of December 2011.
The section Portrétár as of now is dedicated to the different professions, to “the women and men in the street“ and “the heroes of everyday life“, explaining the beauty and encumbrances of their daily lives. Articles with Hungarian interview partners will be published under the heading Életképek at regular intervals, alternating with interviews under Magyar közélet. In keeping with the general theme this new subsection in our current issue is about the daily routine of a pedagogue in Hungary.
As always we invite you to join us on a trip beyond our borders, this time to visit an African safari illustrated with many colourful pictures.
We hope that 2012 will bring you plenty of time and leisure to learn and expand your knowledge. May the New Year be a Happy one indeed!
Tünde Kovács