35th issue
Dear Readers,
This issue will take you to another faraway continent: Africa. Our Országismeret section acquaints you with the work of two prominent Hungarian explorers of Africa: one is Dr. László Sáska, who spent 45 years in Africa as a physician, and the other is Count Sámuel Teleki, whose name is linked to numerous geographical, zoological and botanical discoveries in the African continent. Our interviewees also offer glimpses into different corners of Africa. Dr. János Kubassek, geographer and director of the Hungarian Geographical Museum of Érd shares with us his knowledge and experiences of Africa. In Issue 14 of our magazine, we interviewed child psychiatrist Dr. Melinda Varga. Now she is telling us about the continuation of her work in Africa. Dr. Marcelo Cake-Baly came to Hungary from Guinea-Bissau in Bissau. His name will be familiar to those who have seen the film Az állampolgár, in which he plays the role of the main character. He is telling us about his experiences and impressions in Hungary.
In his interview, geographer János Kubassek quotes Professor Gábris, who said, “There are two kinds of people: one who loves Africa, and the other, who has never been there yet.” In the spirit of this motto, we invite you on an African journey.
We wish you a great summer.
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